Friday, January 20, 2017

Not my post for the day but things on my mind

So I currently feel more depressed and for a longer period of time than ever before.

I still hang out with friends, do well and classes, and I'm getting involved in extracurricular activities that I truly care about, but my head is behind a fuzzy wall.

Like, just now. I had lunch with Jon, and we had good conversation, but when there was a lull or anything, it felt like those days when my face is just uncomfortable, and now I'm sitting in my room and staring into space.

I don't feel like much.

Not in a "I'm not going to be anything in the future." way, but I just don't... feel.

Over break I was thinking about the last time I cried. It was the day Trump got elected, and since then  really not much has happened.

This entry doesn't really look to solve anything, but maybe it's a place to start. We'll see.

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